Kubernetes Helm Releases

November 23, 2024 note-to-self k8s

This is for my own understanding. Please don't assume it is 100% correct.

When releasing with helm, the release name typically stays the same when you then upgrade a Helm chart.

The release name represents the deployment's unique identifier in the Kubernetes cluster.

This name is set when you first deploy the Helm chart with the helm install command, and you can reuse it in subsequent upgrades.

How to Find the Release Name:

Can't remember? Unsure? List all releases with the following command:

helm list

This will show you all the deployed Helm releases in your cluster, along with the release names, namespaces, and other details like the last deployment status and time.

If you're working with a specific namespace, you can use:

helm list --namespace <namespace>

Example Output:

$ helm list
NAME        NAMESPACE   REVISION    UPDATED                             STATUS    CHART           APP VERSION
my-release  default     1           2023-04-28 10:20:02.398795 +0000 UTC deployed  my-chart-1.2.3  2.0.0

The release name is my-release.

If you need to get more details about a specific release, you can use:

helm status <release-name>

This will give you detailed information about the release, including the chart version and the current configuration.