July 4, 2004
4th of July Fireworks
By the time I came up with 4th of July Fireworks, I had done a couple of audio diaries and thought I’d give this a shot. It was really fun, because a) It’s the 4th of July and b) it involved...
ReadMay 7, 2004
Mother’s Day Diary
When Mother’s Day rolled around in 2004, I thought ‘hey, I should write one of those diaries for it.’ This is the result. It’s not a reflection of my relationship with my then-wife, but I...
ReadMay 1, 2004
The Book

Here's my creepiest story. This is sometimes played by random public radio stations around Halloween. Years ago, it was featured on Love & Radio as well. I often work late and get up early, and...
ReadMay 1, 2004
Truck Stop
I got this idea from a similar story in Reader’s Digest. I loved reading all the anecdotes and jokes and the little filler items they had at the end of a story that ran a bit short. One of the...
ReadApril 1, 2004
God is Talking to Me
This story idea came to me a long time before I did it. I was downtown walking around and almost stepped in front of a bus. It was pretty near miss, probably one of my top ten “near death”...
ReadDecember 3, 2003
I was several miles off-shore, windsurfing, when I broke down, and was attacked by a shark. Shark is from my Mockumentary days. I think it’s a pretty good piece. It’s complete fiction, or it...
ReadSeptember 1, 2003
Seafood Joint
I went out to eat with some friends and there was a lot of overt racism. I thought about it for a couple of weeks because I was really frustrated by the assholes in that restaurant (a well-known...
ReadAugust 1, 2003
Stress Test
This is one of the pieces where I feel like I really found my sound. I had made a few pieces in the regular way, telling a story, adding a little music. In this one, I had this really weird...
ReadJuly 1, 2003
Going through other people’s trash. This is one of my Mom’s favorite pieces that I’ve done. It was originally part of a Mockumentary CD I put out in the early part of the millennium. It’s...